Saltash, Wesley has a long history of work with families and young people. At present, this is most obvious in our Little Fishes toddler group, and our youth group, but we put on a range of activities through the year open to people in different stages of life, and including singles, those who’ve no family connections, or whose lives are ‘complicated’. We make sure that all our youth activities are staffed by people who are safeguarding trained and DBS checked so you can be feel secure in the provision.
Little Fishes is our toddler group. It runs on Tuesday mornings in term time throughout the year in the church Sports Hall, beginning with an offer of ‘tea and toast’ in the church foyer from 9.15am, and then moving downstairs for activities at 9.30am running through to 10.45am. We provide a safe environment for parents to bring babies through to pre-school age, and during the morning serve healthy snacks and often end with a time singing nursery rhymes together, shaking rattles and making a holy noise! If you are interested in coming along with your child(ren), do get in touch with us, as the group is always popular.
Holiday Clubs run three or so times each year, usually during school holidays for two mornings. Staffed by enthusiastic church members and friends, we offer a wider age-range of children opportunity to come and enjoy craft and games activities, to learn about the Christian faith and be served a healthy lunch, as well as mid-morning snack. The clubs are also popular, and we invite you to contact us if you are interested in when the next one will be running.