Welcome to the homepage of Saltash Wesley Methodist Church, incorporating also the pages for the Saltash Methodist Circuit. We are a lively community of Methodist Christians, drawn from varied backgrounds, and involved in our local area in many different ways. We are active in supporting those searching for meaning in life, and those who find life a struggle, but naturally want to extend a welcome to all. We will be extending the information on this website in the weeks ahead, but if you cannot find what you are looking for here yet, please see our Facebook Page for details of future services and activities.
With thanks
Rev Jonathan Budd – Superintendent Minister

Morning Worship (9:15)
A more family friendly worship following on from the 8:45am breakfast. More contemporary worship with our worship band. Children's activities at the back and toys [...]
Morning Worship (10:30)
This service is also streamed live on Zoom, if you wish to join please message the church office for a link
Circuit Bible Study on Zoom led by Rev Jonathan
All are welcome, please contact the office for a link to the zoom meeting