Mary and Joseph were on their way to Bethlehem when they hit a bump in the road, and time travelled forward to the year 2023. They found themselves in Saltash and now they were trying to get themselves back to Bethlehem.

Someone told them that a train will take you all around the world. So they went to the train station to wait for one.

Finally a train arrived but it was not going to Bethlehem.

They went to the waterside to see if they could get a boat to Bethlehem. They asked a lady but she didn’t answer, which they found very surprising as everyone else they had met had been so friendly and helpful.

So they waited and waited but no boats came. Tired and hungry they saw people going into Ashtorre Rock so they followed.

They were met by two lovely ladies Wendy and Anne who offered them a hot drink and some lovely cakes. It was lovely and warm and everyone was very friendly, not like the lady on the bench. They told them that it was open 7 days a week 10am to 4pm and run by Volunteers. They could of stayed there all day but they had to get back to Bethlehem. Someone told them about a bus so they set off.

They waited at the bus stop and lots of buses came along but none said Bethlehem. Lovely cooking smells were coming from the Community Kitchen so they just had to go in.

This was a really busy place with lots of things taking place during the week. Chris welcomed them and said that it was open from tues to Sat. That all the food was donated from local supermarkets and local traders. Also they had a larder project where people could come and get food and leave a donation, if they could afford to. Mary and Joseph thought how kind the people of Saltash were, and they enjoyed the food and chatting to the people. They told them the Library had computers which might help them find out about Time Traveling.

At the Library Joseph was shown the Computer and how it works, he found out many fascinating things, and was amazed at what it could do. Sadly it couldn’t tell him how to time travel back to Bethlehem.

Mary was looking at all the different books the Library had, and all the things that went on in the Library. The librarians were so helpful. This looked like a lovely place to come. But Mary was getting hungry so they went to the Poolside cafe at Saltash Leisure Centre.

Mary was very excited to see these lovely cup cakes that Dawn had made and they tasted as good as they looked. The cafe has only been open a few months but it is a lovely addition to the Leisure centre, although it is run independently. There is a good choice of food cooked on the premises. It is open 7 days a week mon to fri 8.45 to 5.30 and Sat and Sun it closes 3.30.

Joseph thought he better try the gym to burn off some calories. There was lots of different equipment and classes available Joseph was very impressed. Mary meanwhile had learnt about all that happens in the swimming pool. She thought that if she lived here she would definitely sign up Jesus for Swimming lessons. However Joseph was worried that it was getting late and they needed somewhere to sleep so off they went to find somewhere.

He saw a Sign that said St Annes Care home and decided to try there. They were welcomed in by Nick it was lovely and warm and friendly.

They met Don in his room and had a lovely chat with him and Angela who had just finished listening to the Church service on the CD.

Dorothy came and had her photo taken with them by the Christmas tree. They would happily stay the night there but all the rooms were full. But Joseph remembered seeing a sign on the wall of the Saltash Wesley Church so off they went.

This sounded like the right place for them.

Mary and Joseph were warmly welcomed and told all about warm welcome spaces. The Church is open every morning 7 days a week and on a Tuesday and a Wednesday it is open all day with a soup lunch. Everyone is welcome. Joseph told Mary that there were lots of things happening here. One of which was the Carol Service on Sat 17th Dec at 6pm. Apparently it is usually on a Sunday but because of a Football game they have had to change the day. Mary loves singing so they decided to stay here.

My friend Julia was staying with me just before Christmas from Bahrain, so we thought she could take them back to Bethlehem with her. We sorted out passports not extra baggage! Mary has swapped a ride on a Donkey for a ride on a suitcase!

But everyone always wants to know what the baby was, ie boy or girl so.
Mary and Joseph really enjoyed the Carol service and with all the excitement of the past few days fell into a deep sleep. When they woke up they found themselves in a stable in Bethlehem. Had it all been a dream?

A few hours later Mary had her baby it was a boy, and they called him Jesus.
Although Christmas is over for another year Jesus’s story is ongoing. If in the new year you would like to find out more, maybe you used to come to Church but you haven’t for awhile. Maybe you, or your children have questions and would like to explore a little more. Saltash Wesley Methodist Church would love to welcome you.
We have 2 services on a Sunday morning 9.15 all ages for those who like a more informal varied service. With an opportunity to have breakfast from 8.45. The 10.30 service is more like the format of school assembly’s for those who have never been to Church before.
You don’t have to sign up to anything just come along. If you are on your own message me and we can go together.
Young people asking questions, we have youth alpha 7pm on a Tuesday evening with pizza. Babies toddlers group on Tuesday morning 9.15 to 10.45. mums,dads, cares welcome. All faiths or none open to all.
Not forgetting warm spaces and weekly coffee mornings. There is something for everyone drop in and say hello we would love to see you. For more information phone the office 01752 845177.